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All questions are monitored by an administrator and will not be posted if deemed inappropriate which would consist of foul language, taunting or ridiculing a particular person or company, posting links or spamming appropriate action will be taken with the offending party being banned from posting to future FAQ questions.

The purpose for this is to be informative to customer and viewer questions they may have about the products or website of Amazon Discovery LLC. to improve our service to you our customers.

Thank You for your help

Robert Sharma / California / August 13, 2016

Cat's Claw

Q: What is the difference or meaning between, The powder extract 4:1 (bark) and The powder extract 5% bark?


Robert Sharma / California / August 13, 2016

Cat's Claw

Q: What is the difference or meaning between, The powder extract 4:1 (bark) and The powder extract 5% bark?


Gabe / Kansas / October 10, 2016

Ayahuasca Powder

Q: Hello! Could you tell me what country you Ayahuasca powder comes from? Also what type of Ayahuasca vine is it. yellow, red, etc.? Any information you could give me would be great. I'm a long time buyer and am interested in buying larger amounts. Thank you.


A Question / The World / December 13, 2016


Q: I notice you do not offer Mulungu, a most interesting herb from Brazil with unique action. Would you consider offering it anytime soon?


Cindy Haney / FL / December 20, 2016

White Elegance w/vase

Q: I received this product and there is no name or card of who sent it. How do I find out who sent it so I can thank them?


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