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Pau D'Arco Purchase & Information

Alternative Names

Ébénier de Guyane, Ébène Vert, Ipe, Ipe Roxo, Ipes, Lapacho, Lapacho Colorado, Lapacho Morado, Lébène, Pink Trumpet Tree, Purple Lapacho, Quebracho, Red Lapacho, Taheebo, Taheebo Tea, Thé Taheebo, Trumpet Bush CAUTION: Please refer to separate listing for Quebracho

Scientific Name

Tabebuia Avellanedae Impetiginosa

Why Do People Use Pau D'Arco?

Pau d'arco is orally used for infectious diarrhea, Candida yeast infections, parasitic infections, bladder infections, diabetes, cancer, gastritis, ulcers, asthma, liver ailments, cystitis, bronchitis, ringworm, prostatitis, hernias, rheumatism, syphilis, gonorrhea, for viral respiratory infections including the flu and common cold, boils, chlorosis, as a "tonic and blood builder, wounds and for swine flu infections. Topically - Pau d'arco is topically used for Candida infections.

Is It Safe To Use?

Possibly Unsafe - Oral consumption of pau d'arco is considered safe to use. Major evaluation of the safety of pau d'arco in typical doses has not been found but lethal toxicities have been found with higher doses. Pau d'arco should be utilized after your physician’s recomedations. In previous studies conducted on cancer patients it is evaluated that when amount were raised to provide therapeutic plasma levels of the active constituent called as lapachol, such patients may face major toxicities issues, for example, increased the potential risk of bleeding. When dosage of pau d'arco keep greater than 1.5 grams daily of the lapachol constituent it may lead individual to the most risk. There is lack of authentic and scarce information available about the safety pau d'arco for its other uses. Likely Unsafe in Pregnancy - Pau d'arco should be avoided orally during pregnancy because studies have shown significant toxic effects. Major evaluation about the pau d'arco safety in typical doses has not been conducted but severe toxicities have been found with higher doses . However about the topical consumption of pau d'arco during pregnancy, there is scarce and unreliable information available so avoid using. Avoid In Lactation - Pau d'arco should be avoided by breast feeding females because there is scarce and unreliable information available.

How Effective Is Pau D'Arco?

To rate the effectiveness of Pau d'arco there is lack of authentic and scarce information available.

How Pau D'Arco Works?

Most effects part of pau d'arco are the wood and bark. The essential constituents are thought to be a lapachol, naphthoquinone derivative and its derivatives, for example, beta-lapchone. The wood contains the bark and lapachol contains generally lapachol derivatives. Lapachol and its derivatives are thought to have similar pharmacological effects. Different constituents secluded from pau d'arco internal bark have antioxidant impacts in vitro analysis. These impacts are similar to alpha-tocopherol. The lapachol constituent is thought responsible for enhancing the bleeding risks by dragging out prothrombin time. It seems to interfere with the natural cycle of vitamin K and it after effects for coagulating are reversible by vitamin K. Two cyclopentene dialdehyde constituents separated from the bark appear to have anti-inflammatory in vitro. Number of pau d'arco constituents have antibacterial effects in vitro analysis. Anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid appears to have strong activity against Clostridium paraputrificum while lapachol has balanced effects. Both constituents had just feeble action against Clostridium perfringens. These constituents also have balanced effects against Helicobacter pylori. The 2-hydroxymethyl-anthraquinone constituent has solid in vitro action against Helicobacter pylori. Initial studies suggests that lapachol also has antibacterial, antimalarial, immunomodulatory, antiparasitic and antifungal movement. There is enthusiasm for pau d'arco and its constituents for treating tumor. The beta-lapachone constituent seems to have antitumor and apoptotic impacts. Some proof proposes that lapachol is dynamic against sarcomas, however at conceivably powerful levels, unfriendly impacts are sufficiently extreme to keep its utilization for that sign. In vitro pau d'arco tea and its extract restrain pancreatic lipase. In animal model, pau d'arco tea also appears to defer postprandial enhance in level of triglyceride. Most research has assessed the constituents of the inward bark of pau d'arco. However extract of flower of pau d'arco has been assessed in animal to focus the impacts of genotoxic. Overseeing amount of doses more than 100 mg per kg brought about increase in damage of DNA. The most elevated genotoxic potential was exist in cells of liver.

What Are The Side Effects /Adverse Reactions of Pau D'Arco?

Pau d'arco may lead to severe side effects such as vomiting, anemia, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and increases the bleeding risks when high amount is consumed. High dosages of pau d'arco (more than 1.5 grams per day) of the lapachol constituent have been related with the high risk.

How Pau D'Arco Interacts With Other Herbs and Supplements?

Herbs and Supplements Containing Anticoagulant or Antiplatelet - Consumption of such herbs that have constituents that may adversely affect platelet aggregation could enhance the bleeding risks in some individuals. Herbs in this category are angelica, alfalfa, angelica, red clover, turmeric, horse chestnut, clove, danshen and other herbs as well.

How Pau D'Arco Interacts With Drugs?

Antiplatelet or Anticoagulant Drugs - Interaction rating between pau d'arco and drugs containing antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs os balanced so be careful about this mixture. Consumption of such herb along pau d'arco may increase the risk for bleeding and also enhance clotting time

How Pau D'Arco Interacts With Foods?

There is no known result by the interaction of Pau d’arco Interacts with various Foods items.

How Pau D'Arco Interacts With Lab Tests?

International Normalized Ration (INR) OR Prothrombin Time (PT) - Pau d'arco can enhance the INR or PT test results and increase the potential risks of bleeding.

How Pau D'Arco Interacts With Diseases and Conditions?

Coagulation Disorders - Pau d'arco can prolong the bleeding time and may interacts with therapy in patients with coagulation dysfunctions so this herb after recommendation of your physician. Surgery - Pau d'arco has antiplatelet effects in human body. It may also responsible for over bleeding if consumed perioperatively. So such patient should stop using pau d'arco at least two weeks before suggested surgical procedures.

What Should Be the Dose/Administration of Pau D'Arco?

ORAL Generally, Pau d'arco are used 1-4 grams every day in 2-3 equal quantities. One producer advises that the product should not be utilized for more than a week, however, the purpose for this advise is not found. The contents found in capsules of pau d'arco may also be prepared and emptied as a tea. A tincture in the dosage of 0.5-1 mL and such liquid containing glycerin in the amount of 1-3 mL are consumed thrice every day.


Pau d'arco wood is very hard and almost indestructible. In the region of South America most of the Indians consumed the tree to make bows for hunting purpose. Pau d'arco is derived from Portuguese name for which means “bow stick." Spanish name of pau d'arco is lapacho. Teas, labeled as lapacho or pau d'arco, do not always consist of the species of Tabebuia, in some cases they have consist the related species such as Tecoma curialis. There are some reports that preparation of pau d'arco inner-bark are recommended the reason is that it shows better results than any one. Some items may use the outer-bark area and mislabel the product as real inner-bark of pau d'arco. The anticancer caused by consumption of the pau d'arco constituent called as lapachol, was widely researched in the 1960s. The research was abandoned because of its toxicity.

General Certificate of Analysis (COA)

Specification sheet links below are a standard copy of the COA less the batch or lot number and manufactures dates. Specification sheet can be dated and should only be considered as a general information. Please contact and request an up to date COA if needed for specific updated information before placing order by filling out the contact form with product name and SKU number. If ordering quantities of twenty five kilos or more contact for availability.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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