Brown Rice Purchase & Information
Alternative Names
Arroz Integral, Genmai, Riz Asiatique, Riz Brun, Riz Cargo, Riz Complet, Riz Intégral
Scientific Name
Oryza Sativa
Why Do People Use Brown Rice ?
Oral preparations of Oryza sativa (Brown rice), like brown rice powder, are used for treating dyspepsia, diarrhea, nausea, jaundice and stomach ailments. It is also consumed as an appetite stimulant, an antidote, demulcent, astringent, as general tonic, diuretic and vermifuge. It is also used for burns, as a diuretic, for fever, nosebleed, inflammation, vomiting blood, hemorrhoids, paralysis, skin ailments and psoriasis.
Is It Safe To Use?
Likely Safe - Brown can be safely used orally in amounts commonly found in food items. Brown rice has attained Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the United States.
Likely Safe Children - Brown rice appears to be safe to use for children when it is used orally in amounts commonly found in food items. Brown rice has attained Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the United States. However, there limited information available to rate the safety level of brown rice particularly in medicinal amounts for children.
Likely Safe in Pregnancy and Lactation - Oral usage of amounts commonly found in foods is apparently safe for both pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. However, there limited information available to rate the safety level of brown rice particularly in medicinal amounts for such females
How Effective Is Brown Rice ?
To rate the effectiveness of brown rice, there is limited and unreliable information available.
How Brown Rice Works?
Oryza sativa is white (unpolished) rice having external layer of yellowish-brown. The external body of the rice seed is processed and removed. Brown rice consists of protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and starch that are typically removed during polishing. Brown rice is thought to be a higher glycemic index food.
Brown rice contains phytic acid, ferulic acid, oryzanols and tocophenols.
Initial findings suggest that brown rice powder has the ability to protect users from vascular abnormalities of diabetes. It appears to prevent elevation of type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) and blood glucose. Elevated PAI-1 levels have been referred with enhanced risk of myocardial infarction in diabetes. It is also said that brown rice also may decrease the oxisdative stress.
Initial reports also suggest that brown rice that is germinated to contain higher levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) may have enhanced therapeutic effects. Brown rice with greater level of GABA may reduce the blood pressure and be effective in the treatment of alcoholism. Studies also suggests that extract of brown rice extracts with higher level of GABA appears to lessen the cancer cell proliferation and have a stimulatory impacts on cancer cell apoptosis. Studies have also shown that fermented brown rice can have protective effect against colorectal and liver cancer.
What Are The Side Effects /Adverse Reactions of Brown Rice ?
No side effects reported.
How Brown Rice Interacts With Other Herbs and Supplements?
Not known.
How Brown Rice Interacts With Drugs?
No information available.
How Brown Rice Interacts With Foods?
No data available.
How Brown Rice Interacts With Lab Tests?
How Brown Rice Interacts With Diseases and Conditions?
No data found.
What Should Be the Dose/Administration of Brown Rice ?
There is no specific dosage of brown rice.
General Certificate of Analysis (COA)
Specification sheet links below are a standard copy of the COA less the batch or lot number and manufactures dates. Specification sheet can be dated and should only be considered as a general information. Please contact and request an up to date COA if needed for specific updated information before placing order by filling out the contact form with product name and SKU number. If ordering quantities of twenty five kilos or more contact for availability.