Bladderwrack Purchase & Information
Alternative Names
Alga Noruega o Nudosa, Algue Laminaire, Ascophylle Noueuse, Atlantic Kelp, Black Tang, Bladder Fucus, Bladder Wrack, Blasentang, Chêne Marin, Cutweed, Fucus, Fucus Vésiculeux, Goémon, Kelp, Kelpware, Kelp-Ware, Knotted Wrack, Laitue de Mer, Laitue Marine, Laminaire, Marine Oak, Meereiche, Norwegian Seaweed, Ocean Kelp, Quercus Marina, Rockweed, Rockwrack, Schweintang, Sea Kelp, Seawrack, Tang, Varech, Varech Vésiculeux.
CAUTION: Please refer to separate listings for Bladderwort, Blue-green Algae, Brown Algae, Laminaria
Scientific Name
Fucus Vesiculosus
Why Do People Use Bladderwrack?
Orally, bladderwrack is used for thyroid disorders, iodine deficiency, lymphadenoid goiter, myxedema, obesity, arthritis, and rheumatism. Bladderwrack is also used orally for arteriosclerosis, digestive disorders, heartburn, "blood cleansing", to increase energy, constipation, bronchitis, emphysema, genitourinary disorders, decreased resistance to disease, and anxiety.
Topically, bladderwrack is used for skin diseases, burns, aging skin, and insect bites.
Is It Safe To Use?
Possibly Safe - when used orally. Bladderwrack can contain high concentrations of iodine and heavy metals. Ingesting more than 150 mcg iodine per day can cause hyperthyroidism or exacerbate existing hyperthyroidism. Heavy metal poisoning has also been reported.
Pregnancy an Lactation - Avoid using
How Effective Is Bladderwrack?
Obesity - Preliminary clinical research suggests that bladderwrack in combination with lecithin and vitamins doesn't result in sustained weight loss. More evidence is needed to rate bladderwrack for this use.
How Bladderwrack Works?
The applicable part of bladderwrack is the entire plant. Bladderwrack is a brown algae (seaweed).
Bladderwrack contains high concentrations of iodine, which is present in varying amounts. It can also contain heavy metals such as arsenic and cadmium. Bladderwrack is also a source of fiber, minerals such as iron, and vitamin B12.
Preliminary clinical research suggests bladderwrack might extend the menstrual cycle and have anti-estrogenic effects in premenopausal women. It may also increase progesterone levels.
Preliminary research suggests that extracts of bladderwrack also might have antibacterial, anti-HIV, and antioxidant activity.
Fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide derivative of bladderwrack, seems to be active against a variety of viruses including the herpes virus, HIV, and cytomegalovirus. Other preliminary research suggests that fucoidan might have antifertility effects by preventing the binding of sperm to egg. Fucoidan also seems to stimulate the activity of transforming growth actor (TGF)-beta to increase fibroblast proliferation, which suggests it might be useful for treatment of wound healing. Preliminary research also suggests that fucoidan also has anticoagulant, fibrinolytic, and antiplatelet adhesion effects. Other preliminary research suggests that it might have antiangiogenic and antitumor activity.
Preliminary clinical research suggests topical administration of bladderwrack extract might reduce skin thickness and other signs of aging.
What Are The Side Effects /Adverse Reactions of Bladderwrack?
Orally, bladderwrack can induce or exacerbate hyperthyroidism.
Prolonged use of bladderwrack has also been associated with hypothyroidism. The iodine in bladderwrack can cause idiosyncratic reactions. Prolonged, high intake of dietary iodine is associated with goiter and increased risk of thyroid cancer. There is one case report of heavy metal poisoning where arsenic poisoning occurred with ingestions of a contaminated kelp product. Another case of arsenic-related poisoning with bladderwrack ingestion 400 mg three times a day for 3 months resulted in renal tubular necrosis and interstitial fibrosis.
In one report, a 39-year-old obese woman developed palpitations and syncope after taking a weight loss supplement containing a combination of bladderwrack, dandelion, and boldo for 3 weeks. The patient was found to have prolonged QT-interval on ECG and frequent episodes of sustained polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. It is not clear whether bladderwrack, another ingredient, or the combination of ingredients is responsible for this adverse effect. The product was not analyzed to determine the presence of a potential toxic contaminants.
How Bladderwrack Interacts With Other Herbs and Supplements?
Theoretically, concomitant use of bladderwrack with herbs that might affect platelet aggregation might increase the risk of bleeding in some people. These herbs include angelica, clove, danshen, fenugreek, feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, Panax ginseng, poplar, red clover, turmeric, and others.
Strontium - Bladderwrack, also known as kelp, contains alginate which binds strontium and reduces its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. A 10% sodium alginate solution reduces strontium absorption 4-fold when taken at the same time. This effect has been used to reduce strontium absorption and toxicity in cases of poisoning, but could theoretically also affect the absorption of strontium supplements.
How Bladderwrack Interacts With Drugs?
Anticoagulant an Antiplatelet Drugs - Bladderwrack seems to have anticoagulant effects. Theoretically, taking bladderwrack with antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. Some of these drugs include aspirin; clopidogrel (Plavix); nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others); dalteparin (Fragmin); enoxaparin (Lovenox); heparin; warfarin (Coumadin); and others.
Antithyroid Drugs - Theoretically, concomitant use may result in additive hypothyroid activity, and may cause hypothyroidism. Some of these medications include methenamine mandelate (Methimazole), methimazole (Tapazole), potassium iodide (Thyro-Block), and others.
How Bladderwrack Interacts With Foods?
Not known
How Bladderwrack Interacts With Lab Tests?
Theoretically, bladderwrack might increase aPTT test results due to the heparin-like activity of one of its constituents.
How Bladderwrack Interacts With Diseases and Conditions?
Preliminary research suggests bladderwrack might impair fertility. Avoid use in women trying to conceive.
What Should Be the Dose/Administration of Bladderwrack?
No typical dosage for bladderwrack.
Avoid confusion with bladderwort.
General Certificate of Analysis (COA)
Specification sheet links below are a standard copy of the COA less the batch or lot number and manufactures dates. Specification sheet can be dated and should only be considered as a general information. Please contact and request an up to date COA if needed for specific updated information before placing order by filling out the contact form with product name and SKU number. If ordering quantities of twenty five kilos or more contact for availability.