Barbasco Purchase & Information
Alternative Names
Barbasco, Dioscorea Mexicana
Scientific Name
Dioscorea Mexicana
Why Do People Use Barbasco?
There is no information available about usage of barbasco powder.
Is It Safe To Use?
Regarding safety of Dioscorea Mexicana (barbasco), there is no information available
How Effective Is Barbasco?
Regarding effectiveness of barbasco, there is lack of information available.
How Barbasco Works?
No side effects have been reported so far due to the oral or topical usage of barbasco powder.
What Are The Side Effects /Adverse Reactions of Barbasco?
There no information available regarding interaction between Dioscorea Mexicana and different supplements & herbs.
How Barbasco Interacts With Other Herbs and Supplements?
Not known.
How Barbasco Interacts With Drugs?
There no information available regarding interaction between barbasco powder and various drugs.
How Barbasco Interacts With Foods?
There no information regarding interaction between barbasco and different food items.
How Barbasco Interacts With Lab Tests?
There no information regarding interaction between any lab test and barbasco powder.
How Barbasco Interacts With Diseases and Conditions?
There no information regarding interaction between barbasco and any disease of condition.
What Should Be the Dose/Administration of Barbasco?
There is no typical dosage of barbasco.
General Certificate of Analysis (COA)
Specification sheet links below are a standard copy of the COA less the batch or lot number and manufactures dates. Specification sheet can be dated and should only be considered as a general information. Please contact and request an up to date COA if needed for specific updated information before placing order by filling out the contact form with product name and SKU number. If ordering quantities of twenty five kilos or more contact for availability.